Raffiner votre recherche
- Gibbs Free Energy; Carbon Dioxide in Water; Enthalpy; Entropy; The first Law8
- Génétique ; Morphogenèse7
- Mathématiques7
- Théorie quantique6
- Physique5
- Science-fiction5
- Biodiversité4
- Pollution4
- Ressources marines ; Biologie marine ; Biologie des espèces marines ; Biologie des poissons4
- Thermochimie; Thermodynamics; Thermo-viscoélasticité; Dynamique moléculaire4
Langue du document
- Environmental Science2
- Environnement1
- GKSS School of Environmental Research1
- Jeu de rôle > Fanfiction1
- Modeling dynamic systems1
- NATO ASI Series Advanced Science Institutes Series1
- SF et fantastique > Science-fiction, Anticipation1
- Savoir, culture et société > Nature et découverte1
- The handbook of environmental chemistry1
Date de publication
Multivariate statistics for wildlife and ecology research
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Wildlife researchers and ecologists make widespread use of multivariate statistics in their studies. With its focus on the practical application of the techniques of multivariate statistics, this book shapes the powerful tools of statistics for the specific needs of ecologists and makes statistics more applicable to their course of study. Multivariate statistics for wildlife and ecology research gives the reader a solid conceptual understanding of the role of multivariate statistics in ecological applications and the relationships among various techniques, while avoiding detailed mathematics and underlying theory. More important, the reader will gain insight into the type of research questions best handled by each technique and the important considerations in applying each one. Whether used as a textbook for specialized courses or as a supplement to general statistics texts, the book emphasizes those techniques that students of ecology and natural resources most need to understand and employ in their research. Detailed examples use real wildlife data sets analyzed using the SAS statistical software program.
Database issues in geographic information systems
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Database issues in geographic information systems approaches several important topics in GIS from a database perspective. Database management has a central role to play in most computer-based information systems, and is expected to have an equally important role to play in managing information in GIS as well. Existing database technology, however, focuses on the alphanumeric data that are required in business applications. GIS, like many other application areas, requires the ability to handle spatial as well as alphanumeric data. This requires new innovations ii data management, which is the central theme of this monograph. The monograph begins with an overview of different application areas and their data and functional requirements. Next, it addresses the following topics in the context of GIS: representation and manipulation of spatial data, data modeling, indexing, and query processing. Future research directions are outlined in each of the above topics. The last chapter discusses issues that an emerging as important areas of technological innovations in GIS.
Applied turbulence modelling in marine waters
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This book gives an overview of statistical turbulence modeling with applications to oceanography and limnology. It discusses how these models can be derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, step by step simplifications result in models applicable to numerical simulations for realistic solutions. Results from one dimensional simulation are shown for various oceanic and limnic water column studies. The integration of these turbulence models in three dimensional models is discussed and some selected results are shown. The two equation turbulence models prove to be a good compromise between accuracy and economy are published as a Fortran source code on the internet in the framework of the general ocean turbulence model (GOTM). This website also provides forcing and validation data for several idealized scenarios. The book and the home page enable graduate students and researchers to understand the theory and provide tools for the models.
Applied multivariate statistics in geohydrology and related sciences
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This book provides a background in multivariate statistical techniques in geo-hydrology and environmental statistics. It is organized in broad categories which cover procedures that deal with interrelations among objects and samples and the interrelations of variables. The headings are further subdivided into techniques that require multivariate normal data and techniques that do not. It can be used as a textbook, a reference book for a graduate seminar, or a key reference in libraries at earth science agencies and other institutions.
Biodiversity : a challenge for development research and policy
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Life in its diversity is the greatest resource on our planet and represents the very foundation of human existence. Only in the last two décades hâve we become aware of the dimension of biodiversity: some 1.75 millions différent organisms are known to science - but assessments strongly indicate that there are aboutfen times as manyspecies existing between thé polar circles and tropical rain forints». New and exciting species are being discovered every day - at the same time we can observe a dramatic loss of biodiversity within the global change: extinction rates are probably unequaledin the natural history of ourworld. The géographie distribution of biodiversity is very unequal with the highest dtions in the tropical forests and certain subtropical regions.The developing countries possess the true wealth of the global genetic resources - but the capacities for bip- diversity research are concentrated in thé highly industrialized countries.The Rio con-vention on Biological Diversity, megadiversity countries and megadeveloped countries are the scénario for biodiversity.
Biodiversity and ecosystem function
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With the accelerating loss of biodiversity there is increasing concern about how this loss may be affecting ecosystem processes that are of benefit to human well-being. The limited studies that address the principal question directly, species numbers versus system function, are evaluated. Moreover, the degree of redundancy within systems, the ubiquity of keystone species, the tightness of species interactions from mutualism to food webs, the resilience of systems to perturbation, and the interactions of landscape units are explored, as are how policy decisions are made in this research area, this volume brings together in a substantive and integrative manner the disciplines of population biology and ecosystem science, both directed toward evaluating the consequences of anthropogenic disruptions of natural systems.
Global biodiversity in a changing environment
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The scientific community has voiced two general concerns about the future of the earth. Climatologists and oceanographers have focused on the changes in our physical environment changes in the climate, the oceans, and the chemistry of the air we breathe. Environmental biologists, on the other hand, have addressed issues of conservation and the extinction of species. There is increasing evidence that these two broad concerns are intertwined and mutually dependent. Past changes in biodiversity have both responded to and caused changes in the earth's environment. This book discusses the major factors influencing biodiversity in the earth's terrestrial biomes and their projected patterns of change. In its discussions of ten key terrestrial biomes and freshwater ecosystems, this volume uses our broad understanding of global environmental change to present the first comprehensive scenarios of biodiversity for the twenty-first century. Combining physical earth science with conservation biology, global biodiversity in a changing environment provides a starting point for regional assessments on ail scales. The book will be of interest to those concerned with guiding research on the changing environment of the earth and with planning future policy, especially in accordance with the global biodiversity convention.
Desert Regions : population, migration and environment
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This book despite the common understanding of the importance of desert development in the contemporary world, there are relatively few books published to date on this subject. The books and collective volumes published in this field deal primarily with environmental and physical aspects of desert development such as soil, agriculture, vegetation, water resources, etc. In contrast, this book addresses the issues of regional and urban development in desert areas, which have not been given sufficient attention. The present book is socially oriented. It considers physical development of desert regions not as an end in itself, but rather as an essential precondition for creating socially attractive and desirable environments for human settlement. The book addresses the issues of desert development at three distinctive conceptual levels region, urban environment, and building and deals with both cold and hot deserts
Dynamic modeling of environmental systems
Modeling dynamic systems
Dynamic modeling of environmental systems is a primer on using models to under-stand environmental problems. With their many natural, economic, political, and technical aspects, environmental problems require a systems approach. This book provides an introduction to modeling concepts and applications that is geared specifically toward the environmental field. Sections on modeling terminology, the uses of models, the model-building process, and the interpretation of output provide the foundation for detailed applications. After an introduction to the basics of dynamic modeling, the book leads students through an analysis of several environmental problems, including surface-water pollution, matter-cycling disruptions, and global warming. The scientific and technical context is provided for each problem, and the methods for analyzing and designing appropriate modeling approaches are provided. An accompanying CD-ROM for both Macintosh® and Windows® computers contains a run-time version of STELLA® modeling software with models from the text. While the mathematical content does not exceed the level of a first semester calculus course, the book gives students ail of the background, examples, and practice exercises needed both to use and understand environmental modeling. It is suitable for upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate-level environmental science courses. The text is also useful for environmental professionals seeking an introduction to modeling in their field.
Environmental compartments : equilibria and assessment of processes between air, water, sediments and biota
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To achieve viable solutions to present day environmental problems, we must understand the spatial and temporal links between the different environmental compartments of biota, air, water, land and aquatic sediments. This book explains many of the seminal theories used to identify links and predict the movement of natural and anthropogenic chemical compounds. New insights into theories regarding accumulation of contaminants such as radio nuclides, DDT and PCBs are presented challenging the passive acceptance of previously proven dogma. The book is primarily directed to university education, environmental scientists and policymakers. A number of exercises are incorporated in the text while two demo models are given on diskette, one of radionuclide transport from dumped nuclear waste in the Kara Sea and one illustrating the role on biodiversity in coastal zone management.
Multivariate statistics for wildlife and ecology research
- Auteur
- Kevin McGarigal, Sam Cushman, Susan Stafford
- Sujet
- Ecologie
Multivariate analysis,
- Cote
- 519.535 GAR
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 2000.
- Type de document
- Livre
Database issues in geographic information systems
- Auteur
- Nabil R. Adam, Aryya Gangopadhyay.
- Sujet
- Geographic information systems-- Mathematical models
Database management
Bases de données -- Gestion
Geographic information systems
- Cote
- 526.6 ADA
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 1997.
- Type de document
- Livre
Applied turbulence modelling in marine waters
- Auteur
- Hans Burchard
- Sujet
- Descriptive oceanography-- comprensive
- Cote
- 519.533 BUR
- Date_TXT
- Berlin : Springer, 2002.
- Type de document
- Livre
Applied multivariate statistics in geohydrology and related sciences
- Auteur
- Charles E. Brown
- Sujet
- Statistique
- Cote
- 519.535 BRO
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 1998.
- Type de document
- Livre
Biodiversity : a challenge for development research and policy
- Sujet
- Biodiversité -- Conservation
Diversité des espèces -- Bolivie
Biological diversity conservation
- Cote
- 333.95 BAR
- Date_TXT
- Berlin : Springer, 1998
- Type de document
- Livre
Biodiversity and ecosystem function
- Sujet
- Biological diversity conservation
Biotic communities
Biological diversity
- Cote
- 333.95 SCH
- Date_TXT
- Berlin : Springer, 1994
Global biodiversity in a changing environment
- Sujet
- Environnement
- Cote
- 333.95 STU
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 2001
Desert Regions : population, migration and environment
- Sujet
- Déserts
Développement durable
Migrations intérieures
- Cote
- 333.14 POR
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 1999.
Dynamic modeling of environmental systems
- Auteur
- Matthias Ruth, Bruce Hannon
- Sujet
- Environnement
- Cote
- 333.14 RUT
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 2000.
- Type de document
- Livre
Environmental compartments : equilibria and assessment of processes between air, water, sediments and biota
- Auteur
- Duursma, E. K., Carroll, JoLynn
- Sujet
- Environmental chemistry
Chemical equilibrium
Chimie de l'environnement
Équilibre chimique
- Cote
- 333.14 DUU
- Date_TXT
- New York : Springer, 1996.
- Type de document
- Livre
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