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Biodiversity : a challenge for development research and policy
- Date_TXT
- Berlin : Springer, 1998
- Cote
- 333.95 BAR
- Type de document
- Livre
Description :
Life in its diversity is the greatest resource on our planet and represents the very foundation of human existence. Only in the last two décades hâve we become aware of the dimension of biodiversity: some 1.75 millions différent organisms are known to science - but assessments strongly indicate that there are aboutfen times as manyspecies existing between thé polar circles and tropical rain forints». New and exciting species are being discovered every day - at the same time we can observe a dramatic loss of biodiversity within the global change: extinction rates are probably unequaledin the natural history of ourworld. The géographie distribution of biodiversity is very unequal with the highest dtions in the tropical forests and certain subtropical regions.The developing countries possess the true wealth of the global genetic resources - but the capacities for bip- diversity research are concentrated in thé highly industrialized countries.The Rio con-vention on Biological Diversity, megadiversity countries and megadeveloped countries are the scénario for biodiversity.