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Advances in marine biology (volume 1)
- Date_TXT
- New York : Academic press , 1963
- Cote
- 578.77 RUS/T1
- Auteur
- Russell, F. S
- Type de document
- Livre
Description :
The very great expansion of marine research in recent years has resulted in a mass of published results scattered through a very wide range of periodicals. In consequence it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a general picture of the overall advance that is being made in our knowledge of the many aspects of life in the sea.
It is hoped that the production of this new serial publication will help biologists to keep abreast of knowledge in the different lines of research on the biology of marine organisms. It is intended that each annual volume shall contain comprehensive review articles summarizing the general position of our knowledge in individual fields. Attention will be given to recent advances in fisheries biology, the results of research in which are often published in periodicals that may not normally be available in the libraries of university biology departments. These investigations are, however, of very general interest since they usually concentrate on the biology and ecology of a few individual species in greater detail than for other marine organisms.
When possible shorter review articles may also be published drawing attention to new developments and growing points in marine biology.
General articles on the biology of marine organisms will include information on the environment only in so far as it is necessary for an understanding of their habits. Articles will not be published which relate only to the physical and chemical conditions in the sea in relation to water movements and deep-sea oceanography.
Any suggestions from readers on fields of research that need reviewing and might form subject matter for future volumes will be welcomed. Editorial correspondence should be addressed to me at Wardour, Derriford, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon.