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Advances in ecological research (volume 1)
- Date_TXT
- London : Academic press , 1962
- Cote
- 577.5 CRA/T1
- Auteur
- Macfadyen, A
- Type de document
- Livre
Description :
The author of this monograph has been engaged in the study of animal rhythms for the past ten years, and is an internationally known authority on periodicities in the terrestrial arthropods.
In this book he has outlined the present state of knowledge of animal rhythms and provided a firm base for future research. Included are discussions on apparatus and techniques and the experimental methods adopted by workers in the field.
The earlier chapters outline the extent to which periodic phenomena permeate all aspects of zoological research-Sad discuss their ecological importance. In the later sections, consideration is given to the various physiological problems raised by rhythms and hypotheses are postulated concerning their ultimate nature.
As the first in this field, Professor Cloudsley Thompson's monograph fills a conspicuous gap by providing a comprehensive' synthesis of numerous ecological and physiological observations. It also includes a detailed survey of the literature. In addition to research workers in the field, this book will be of interest to ecologists, ethnologists, physiologists, and other scientists to whose research rhythms may be relevant.